Parish News:
January 2025 - Cheshire Police and Crime Commissioner 'Policing Precept' Consultation.
Have your say on the policing service and precept for 2025-26. The consultation is open until midday on Monday 20th January 2025. Click here for more information. 28 September 2024 - Hungrytown Folk Band
We hope everyone enjoyed the Hungrytown Folk Band evening when they played at the Village Hall in September. A huge thank you to everyone who came along to support. September 2024 - Household Waste Collection Consultation Submit your views on Cheshire East's proposal to move the collection of black bins to every three weeks. The Consultation is open until 20 October and can be found via the following link .. Household Waste Collection Consultation 2024 ( 4 July 2024 - General Election
Remember you will need acceptable photo ID to be able to vote in person at polling stations in the General Election on Thursday 4 July. Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA or Commonwealth driving licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person's bus pass. You will be able to use expired ID if you are still recognisable from the photo. June 2024 - D Day Anniversary Commemoration On Saturday 8th June, a commemoration was held for the anniversary of the D Day Landings. Thanks go to Whaley Bridge Band for entertaining attendees on the day. A £100 donation has been made to the Royal British Legion. September 2023 - Green Bin Waste Collection Charges
From January 2024 if you would like to continue having your garden bin collected you will need to sign up to the Cheshire East gardening waste recycling scheme. Click here for more information. June 2023 - Lyme News - Looking after Lyme
Click here for more information about the Projects planned at Lyme Park National Trust over the next few years. May 2023 - Coronation of King Charles III
Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Also a big thank you to Whaley Bridge brass band for a great performance.
April 2023 - Welcome Lyme Handley A warm welcome to all of our new Parish members following the amalgamation of Kettleshulme & Lyme Handley Parishes on April 1st 2023. January 2023 - Do you have Photo ID?
You now require Photo ID to vote at a polling station for the upcoming local Town & Parish Elections on Thursday May 4th. Apply now for a free voter ID document if you don't have an accepted form of photo ID (See poster below for details). January 2023
With the Police Budget for 2023/24 soon to be set, the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire East, John Dwyer, has set up a survey for Cheshire residents to inform him about their priorities and their views on the police precept. Have your say here ... 26-03-2022
Spring Clean & Pop Up Cafe Thank you top everyone who joined in a collected a rubbish for the Great Spring Clean Up, and also everyone that showed up for our pop up cafe afterwards, hopefully their free cup of tea for all the cleaners went down well and I'm pretty sure the slightly lost cyclist was extremely grateful to have come across a pop up cafe to refill his water bottle and be able to get some much needed sustenance for his LONG cycle home. March 2022
We would like to bid farewell to our amazing Janet Gamage for her time her as Clerk to the council and welcome in Michelle Andrew as our new Clerk going forward. COVID calls a halt to plans.....
The CRTA's BON DEBERRAS - Another amazing performance courtesy of Cheshire Rural Touring Arts. A full house with plenty of dancing and joviality. We raised over £400 we are looking forward to putting towards our garden improvement project next Summer. 17-02-18
Pop Up Cafe - A lovely breakfast/brunch get together, raising a profit of £51.80, but its never about the profit its always about the coffee at that time in the morning. 27-01-18
Chilli & Quiz Night - A brilliantly fun night, raising a profit of £383.30 for the next Village Hall improvement project 25-11-2017
Kettleshulme Christmas Fair - Thank you to everyone that came to take a look at the great stalls and say hello to santa. 20-05-2017
The CRTA's The Fitzgeralds - Brilliant show, thanks to everyone that came and saw such talented performers. It was a full house and we managed to raise £435 after expenses which is great news!! This will be put towards being able to provide you with more award winning shows and maintaining a superb and popular village hall we can all be proud of. It s still Canadian Season - Photos form the show can be seen below: 11-02-2017
Big Band Night - Many Many thanks to Whaley Bridge Band for putting on such a great performance for us - Brilliant Night I think was had by all. If you would like to see pictures of our Big Band Night they are avaialble to view on Peter Cull Photography's Flickr Site - Click on the Button below: 22-10-16
The CRTA's Red Moon Road was another amazing performance by a trio of extremely talented and friendly Canadians - Modern Canadian Folk comes to Kettleshulme! 01-04-2016
The CRTA presentation of Bow Jangles with 'On the Box' was wonderfully received, we had over 70 people attend. Excellent feedback from all that attended. 25-03-16
Good Friday Walk, a glorious sunny day for a walk to Errwood Hall in memory of Alan Boothby 04-03-2016
Kettleshulme PTA raised £200 despite an impressive snow day and a closed road 13-02-2016
Kettleshulme Church raised a fantastic £324.35 a the Coffee Morning 28-11-2015
Kettleshulme Christmas Fair raised over £300, the new Kitchen stood up to the task, so thank you to everyone that was involved. |
Mobile Library Dates
The Cheshire East Mobile Library will be parked up on Paddock Lane from 11.10am - 11.30am on the following dates ... February 18th 2025 March 11th 2025 April 1st & 22nd 2025 May 13th 2025 June 3rd & 24th 2025 July - 15th 2025 August 5th & 26th 2025 September 16th 2025 October 7th & 28th 2025 November 18th 2025 December 9th & 30th 2025 K.E.T 100 Club Winners2024
January - Alison Cobb February - Jo Lancaster March - David Bovill Quarterly - Angela Heiron April - Steve Wignall May - Eileen Vaughan June - Ann Shatwell Quarterly - David Bovill July - John Dugdill August - Victoria Coward September - Jack Hallam Quarterly - Ruth Abernethy October - Lindsay Pulley November - Alex Baker Seasonal Winner - - Charlie Blood £50 - Steph Johnson £100 - Steve Wignall £200 For details on joining the KET 100 Club, please contact Sue Stockton on 01663 735264 Recent Village Planning Applications
Village Kitchen Hall Refurbishment UPDATE:
The new kitchen will be being delivered on the 29th October ready for work to begin in in November
Before Photos:
Village Kitchen Hall Refurbishment UPDATE:
The new kitchen will be being delivered on the 29th October ready for work to begin in in November
Before Photos:
Kettleshulme Church Coffee Morning
made a total of £223. Thanks to everyone for their help and support.
Kettleshulme Church Coffee Morning
made a total of £223. Thanks to everyone for their help and support.
Kettleshulme Entertainment Committee raised a fantastic £869.50 from the 'Songs from the Shows' and would like to thank everyone that helped and supported this event. |
Kettleshulme Fete Committee made a terrific profit of £675 and would like to thank everyone that contributed with donations and support.
They are also going to make a donation to the Village Hall Kitchen Refurbishment!! |
Kettleshulme Church Harvest Festival Photos:
Kettleshulme Church Harvest Festival Photos:

04-07-15: Jackson Cup Winners Announced
Overall Winner: Steve & Val Wignall - Daisy Bank
"Visual Impact & Diversity of planting, superb & Colourful display"
Runner Up: Rob & Wendy - The Swan Inn
"Attractive & Colourful container planting. A positive image on entering the village"
Highly Commended: "Adding Colour & Brightening the Village
Fellsides - Katherine & Scott
Kishfield Croft - Colin & Jaqueline
19-06-15: The PTA Summer Lunch held in the Memorial Hall raised £215 - Great Stuff!
12-06-15: The School Summer Fair raised a spectacular £1281.94
06-06-2015: The Church Cream Teas held in the Memorial Hall raised a spectacular £550 - Well Done!!
Overall Winner: Steve & Val Wignall - Daisy Bank
"Visual Impact & Diversity of planting, superb & Colourful display"
Runner Up: Rob & Wendy - The Swan Inn
"Attractive & Colourful container planting. A positive image on entering the village"
Highly Commended: "Adding Colour & Brightening the Village
Fellsides - Katherine & Scott
Kishfield Croft - Colin & Jaqueline
19-06-15: The PTA Summer Lunch held in the Memorial Hall raised £215 - Great Stuff!
12-06-15: The School Summer Fair raised a spectacular £1281.94
06-06-2015: The Church Cream Teas held in the Memorial Hall raised a spectacular £550 - Well Done!!